It should be a word. Oh, apparently it is: Unabridged (v 1.0.1) Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
sur‧re‧al [suh-ree-uh
l, -reel] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
—Related forms

1. | of, pertaining to, or characteristic of surrealism; surrealistic. |
2. | having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic: surreal complexities of the bureaucracy. |
—Related forms
sur‧re‧al‧ly, adverb
sur‧re‧al‧i‧ty [suh-ree-al-i-tee] Pronunciation Key
Realising that something is "surreal" isn't as fun as it sounds. It's not quite the same as de ja vu, where, even if you're getting kicked in the stomach, you still smile because you realise you're experiencing De Ja Vu (if, in fact, you are - otherwise you're just a sado masochist). However, with realisations of "surrealness" you just...worry whether you're still existing in reality.
Realising that something is "surreal" isn't as fun as it sounds. It's not quite the same as de ja vu, where, even if you're getting kicked in the stomach, you still smile because you realise you're experiencing De Ja Vu (if, in fact, you are - otherwise you're just a sado masochist). However, with realisations of "surrealness" you just...worry whether you're still existing in reality.
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